Everest base camp trek 14 Days

$1300 Per Person
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The trek typically takes about 12 to 14 days, covering a round trip from Lukla to Everest Base Camp and back. This duration allows for proper acclimatization to the high-altitude conditions

Hihglight Trip Facts

Duration 14 Days
Max Altitude 5,364 m
Transportation Bus/Flight
Group Size 2-12
Trip Grade Moderate
Destination Everest


The Everest Base Camp trek is situated in the Khumbu region of Nepal, in the northeastern part of the country. The starting point for most trekkers is Lukla, accessible by a short flight from Kathmandu.


The Everest Base Camp (EBC) trek is one of the most iconic and popular trekking adventures in the world, offering breathtaking views of the world's tallest mountain, Mount Everest (Sagarmatha in Nepali) and its surrounding peaks.

Details Itinerary

B. means breakfast,  L. means  lunch, D. means dinner

Day 01: Arrival in the capital Kathmandu and transfer to the hotel in the center of the lively city. In the evening you will meet your guide and you get all information  welcome dinner. Overnight at hotel

Day 02: Fly to Kathmandu to Lukla trek to Phakding  5hr (2610m). Overnight at tea house. (B/L/D)

At 5:00 Am, you may have a cup of tea and packing breakfast ready by 5 Am at Hotel , our car will drop you to the airport for your Lukla flight. Today we will take a wonderful panorama flight from Kathmandu to Lukla (2827m).

After 35 minutes, we will land on a runway and our caretaker will help us carry our belongings. Then we will walk down to the Dudh Koshi River, where we connect with the main path to phakding and Namche Bazaar.

Day 03 : Phakding to Namche Bazaar (3440m) walking 5 and half hours. Overnight at guest house. (B/L/D)

Today, we will leave Phakding and we will pass by arresting pine woods next to Dudh Koshi River crossing more than a few suspension bridges and walk side to side with Sherpa villages Benkar, Manjo, Chimoa, and Jorsale.

Plus, the magnificent view of Mt. Thamserku (6618 m) and Mt. Kusumkangaru (6360m.) will captivate you on the way. Then, we will walk side by side with the Dudh Koshi river to the union spot of Dudh Koshi Rivers.

Now, the trail climbs gradually crossing the famous Hilleri bridge after that invigorating sight of Mt. Everest as well as Nuptse-Lhotse and edge will allure you. on the way you can see mountain goats . we will finally reach Namche Bazaar, a prosperous trading town. Overnight at guest house.

Day 04 :  Namche, acclimatize, view of Mt. Everest. (B/L/D)

Acclimatization day is a must according to sherpa experts as our body needs to accustom with the high altitude atmosphere. Therefore, in order to avoid altitude sickness, we need to rest. Alternatively, we can make a trip to Sagarmatha (Everest) National park where we can notice a variety of plants and mountain cow yak animal life.

we can walk to khumjong beautiful traditional Sherpa community village we can see khumjung yeti head at monastery with shows up the stunning views of Thamserku, Mt, Everest, Khaantaiga, Ama Dablam, and many more. In the evening, we return back to Namche Bazar for overnight. (3,430m)

Day 05 :    Namche to Tengboche, Monasteries visit. (B/L/D)

This is one of the major days of the trek. We will leave Namche Bazaar to reach Tengboche taking around 4 hours. On the way we can see lots of yak and mountain goat. and  we can see tenzing norgay sherpas grand son stupas, On the way, we can make a trip to Tengboche Monasteries lying at the altitude of 3860m.

Day 06 :    Tengboche to Dingboche. (B/L/D)

We will on this day leave Tengboche and stroll down through fir, juniper, birch, and old rhododendron woods. We will also have steady climbs. We will pass the Imja River, crassing the Bridge and then the path moves to Pangboche village.

Here we can witness the wonderful peaks including Ama Dablam. On the way we can see most mountain goat and lots of yak carrying expidesion bags . Plus, we will also climb from side to side with unwrapped alpine hillsides before traversing the Imja Khola and arrive at the settlement of Dingboche. (4400m)

An additional day has been set aside for acclimatization. We must acclimatize to protect our health and well-being while we travel at high elevations. At Dingboche, we have planned a day full of activities to help you adapt in the best way possible.

Day 07: Acclimatize day, explore Dingboche. (B/L/D)

In order to avoid altitude sickness, we need to rest again at Dingboche. We will explore around Chhukung valley situated beneath a far-fetched rock wall that joins Nuptse and Lhotse numri   island peak on this day.

The top of the Imja valley on the moraines near to Island Peak (6189 m) is exceptional. Plus, we will also notice the huge south faces of Lhotse to the north, difficult pass Amphu Lapcha pass (5845 m), the enormous fluted ice walls to the south and to the southwest Ama Dablam stands exceptionally. Overnight at camp.

We will also walk to the Chhukung Valley situated beneath a far-fetched rock wall that joins Ama dablam Nuptse and Lhotse. Overnight at guest house.

Day 08: Dingboche to labuche  (B/L/D)

We are now getting closer and closer to Everest Base Camp. You could start to struggle a little bit as we continue to ascend. Be sure to move slowly and inform your guide of whatever you are feeling. To begin with, we take a trail through large valleys till we reach Thukla. You are currently moving over the tree line. As a result, you will see that there are no more trees or rolling hills. We continue on and eventually arrive in Lobuche after crossing some yak fields. Here in Lobuche, there are no permanent Sherpa villages. Although, you'll be surrounded by stunning views of the nearby tea houses and towering mountains.

It has been a good hike of around 6 hours. We have a much-deserved overnight stay at an accommodation at Lobuche. 4940 M.

Day 9 : Lobuche to Gorekshep afternoon sidewalk to Everest Base Camp. (B/L/D)

We will trek to Gorakshep (5140m) on this day. This will be one of the challenging days of the trek. Now we we can see on the way many more tourist because this way is hi way to mount everest. We will walk next to the Khumbu Glacier to get to up to the most popular set – Everest Base Camp lying at an altitude of 5360m and Mt Everest, the tallest peak on the earth.

Moreover, the view of the Khumbu Icefall from the base camp is wonderful. After spending worthy time at the base camp, we will return back to Gorak Shep. Overnight at tea house

Day 10: Early morning  5 am climb Kalapathar trek back to pheriche . (B/L/D)

Today you will see from Kalaphather mount everest fronm up close. This will be another interesting day of the trek. We will hike further on from Gorakshep to Kalapathhar lying at the elevation of 5550m. The wonderful peak views of Lingtren (6,697m), Khumbutse (6,623m), Pumori (7,145m), etc will acknowledge us.

We will also discern the huge face of Changtse (7,750m) that separates Nepal from Tibet. We will after that walk back to periche  for staying overnight. Overnight at tea house. (4,370m)

Day 11: Pheriche to Namche 3430 M.

After the  breakfast, we head for our journey. The trek from Pheriche to Namche takes the same route we took while ascending. The path is extensive. The mountain views continue indefinitely . We make our way slowly toward Namche, passing through several small settlements and villages. we will reach Namche  slowly

Day 12 Namche to Lukla (B/L/D)

After the  breakfast, we head for our journey. The trek from  Namche to Lukla  takes the same route we took while ascending.  We will come back to same way  to check point manju ,Phakding ,choplung back to Lukla  8-9 hours

Day 13  Lukla flight to Kathmandu  B.

Early in the morning go to the airport. The flight (approx. 30 minutes) to Kathmandu is once again an experience in itself, as you fly directly along the main Himalayan chain. In Kathmandu transfer to the hotel. The rest of the day is at leisure. Overnight at hotel.

Day 14 :  Free time and departure.B.

Depending on your flight schedule, you will still have free time for one last shopping spree or further sightseeing. evening we will transfer to international airport

Cost Details


    Kathmandu to lukla  flight, Lukla to kathmandu  flight ,Airport Pick up and drop service

    2 night’s twin sharing on tourist standard hotel accommodation in Kathmandu

    Meals on full board: Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner each day during the trekking days

    tea house basis trekking accommodation while on trekking days

    Fully escorted trek with fluent English speaking license holder local guide and each 2 guest 1 Porter basis

    Everest national park permits

    First Aid Box ,TIMS ,Permit

    Domestic airport pick up and drop off itinerary

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  • Kopila Dhakal
    Deutsch Mingmar is a renowned trekking and expedition company that specializes in creating memorable and exhilarating adventures in the majestic Himalayas. With a deep passion for exploration and a commitment to safety, we strive to provide our clients with extraordinary experiences that combine the thrill of adventure with the awe-inspiring…
    November 2, 2023
  • Mingmar Sherpa
    Deutsch Mingmar is a renowned trekking and expedition company that specializes in creating memorable and exhilarating adventures in the majestic Himalayas. With a deep passion for exploration and a commitment to safety, we strive to provide our clients with extraordinary experiences that combine the thrill of adventure with the awe-inspiring beauty of the Himalayan region.
    October 18, 2017
  • Kedar Adhikari
    Deutsch Mingmar is a renowned trekking and expedition company that specializes in creating memorable and exhilarating adventures in the majestic Himalayas. With a deep passion for exploration and a commitment to safety, we strive to provide our clients with extraordinary experiences that combine the thrill of adventure with the awe-inspiring beauty of the Himalayan region.
    July 6, 2017
Price Per person
USD 1,300

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    Deutsch Mingmar is a renowned trekking and expedition company that specializes in creating memorable and exhilarating adventures in the majestic Himalayas. With a deep passion for exploration and a commitment to safety, we strive to provide our clients with extraordinary experiences that combine the thrill of adventure with the awe-inspiring beauty of the Himalayan region.

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